Watch a jackass play games and watch movies, while joking around with buddies. Yup, that’s the Yet Another Stream.

Host, joke artist, tryhard, maniac, PAYDAY 2 fanatic
What do you mean, I can’t play PAYDAY 2 all the time on stream? F-fine! I’ll show I’m good at other
games too!
MikeNized has a terrible accent, plays and creates video games, practices arts, and would love to be a owl. However, he can only pretend to be nocturnal.
Mike Nized, his OC, owns a workshop in Manehattan, constructing elaborate mechanisms based on wood. With a gray coat
& brown mane, he opens at night because nopony bugs him when he works during the night.
Email: [email protected]
Tumblr: machinistmind
Steam: mikenized