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Show Notes: http://derpy.me/ts19n

A Very Brony Christmas

Hello everypony. Sorry I took so long on this blog. Life gets in the way and we also have lots going on with the show and the site and hopefully soon I’ll get some drawing started too. I’m also eager to start doing a lot with this Blog too including a little bit of behind the scenes, showing off some of my pony swag, and even product reviews and thoughts. With that in mind I did take pictures of everything I got for my Christmas tree, and ornaments that I got for next year’s tree. Well without further ado, let’s show you all the Christmas pics.

Christmas tree 1

Christmas tree 1

Here is a look at our Christmas tree. It wasn’t much considering it was a $15 Fiber Optic tree from Walmart but it was pretty cool when the lights were off and the tree was on

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. The santa hat ornament balls came from FYE and the 2 big flat squishy looking ones are from Michaels craft store. Pretty awesome huh. Here’s a few more pics of the tree.

Christmas Tree 2

Christmas Tree 2

Christmas Tree 3

Christmas Tree 3

Christmas Tree 4

Christmas Tree 4

Along with that I got a few other fun things to dress up the front room a little.

Socks and lights

Socks and lights

The picture is a little blurry sadly, but you can see the awesome Derpy and Dr Hooves lights from Hot Topic as well as the stocking I got from FYE. Actually I found out that the stocking had a printing error with Twilight, so it might be more rare because of it.

Closeup of Lights

Closeup of Lights

And here’s a quick closeup of the lights.

More ornaments

More ornaments

Sadly not everything came before Christmas, but it just means I have more to show off for next year. You can see a good chuck of ornaments I have here that I got off of Amazon. One I really wanted that is in here is Pinkie Pie with hot cocoa. I just liked that one a lot. Also got some ball ornaments so yeah, my tree’s gonna have lots of balls. The muffin also wasn’t part of Christmas, that was an item I got for funding Ponies of Pathfinder. I’ll be reviewing that when I get the finished product.

2 Socks and ornaments

2 Socks and ornaments

And here I have even more balls, some are a duplicate of previous balls I got and also two glass Rarity ornaments. Yeah I didn’t catch my error when ordering so I have copies of a few things. I might try ebaying them on Christmas next year. But I did get two sweet stockings as well and some other sweet ornaments as well.

Anyway, here’s all my awesome Christmas stuff. I do have quite a few things to talk about in this blog in the near future so do keep an eye on it. Hope you enjoy it all otherwise.

The Brony Show 126 – Cosplay for the Brony Guy

We get a little into Cosplay in this episode

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This episode of The Brony Show we talk about everything that happened this year in the show and in Bronydom, and our hopes and goals for the new year

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In this episode we celebrate the holidays, and the best way to do it is with a contest and lots of fun videos

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The Brony Show 123 – How do I art on PC (Advanced)

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The Brony Show 122 – The Brony Show reacts to Ponies The Anthology 3

Anthology 3 has finally come out and with it over an hour of humerous fun

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Show Notes: http://derpy.me/85k8f